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Cruising in the Queen City

Cebu’s Booming Boating Industry Here’s the lowdown on everything you need to know about Cebu’s thriving boating industry. With this info on your radar, take to the high seas and turn that island-hopping cruise you’ve been dreaming about to reality. 



IN AN ISLAND DESTINATION, BEACH escapades are never far from a Cebuano’s idea of a weekend. It is an established Sunday or holiday pastime for families and friends, be it an elaborate get-together by a seaside resort or hiring a boat for the ultimate island-hopping experience. CENTER OF SEA TRADE With 7,000 or so islands in the country, sea voyages have always been essential to us. Trade was the main driver among South East Asians, mainly by Chinese sampans and, later, big galleons from Europe. With the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, boats continued to hold cultural, religious, and historical significance.

Magellan came to our shores with a fleet of five ships, bringing Christianity with him. The Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade was an all-important ribbon of commerce during the height of the Spanish occupation, ferrying exotic silks and spices from the Orient. These days, every third Sunday of January, when Cebu City celebrates Magellan’s arrival and subsequent founding of Christianity in the Philippines in a festival called Sinulog, part of the celebration is an impressive fluvial parade attended by as much as a hundred boats in all shapes and sizes. ROCKIN’ THE BOAT It is no wonder then that boating remains core to the aquatic lifestyle in Cebu. Each wharf or marina features different kinds of small bangkas to ocean-worthy outriggers. Every coastal recreation site will have activities that feature boats. People from all walks of life make a beeline for nimble speedboats and jet skis, glass-bottomed boats, even fun banana boats. The entire industry of island hopping was formed around this love for boating. Excursions can be simple affairs using a small pumpboat that travels from the mainland to an island destination, secluded cove or virgin beach. Or there can be several anchor points from which you then plunge into the waters for a swim. Some experiences highlight the wildlife with meet-and-greet encounters with whale sharks, sea turtles or a shoal of sardines. Others can last for days and feature extensive itineraries around the Philippine archipelago.

UPSCALE CRUISING Recently added to Cebu’s boating scene are the luxury boats, including some high end yachts that are available for charter. Most of them come with a complete crew with a ship captain and several staff to help with docking or serving its passengers. While the pandemic may have been a downer for Cebu’s yachting and boating industry, it could never quite topple it. After a two-year hiatus, the industry continues to thrive. Cruising on a yacht is very exclusive niche, and goes beyond the regular island hopping. The added amenity of several bedrooms below deck means that you can access a wider range of destination. To Palawan or Siargao, even as far away as Vietnam and Hong Kong. 

While in Cebu, you have to take to the seas. The white sand beaches, aquamarine belts of ocean, and flourishing underwater ecosystems demand your attention. It aches to look at all that tantalizing beauty without ever reaching out. So, hop on a boat, point the prow to the horizon, and take a trip through that unending blue wonder.


319 comments on “Cruising in the Queen City

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